
Pompeii Necropoli di Porta Stabia. Tombs near the Stabian Gate.

Pompei. Necropoli di Porta Stabia. Tombe vicino alla Porta Stabiana.

Pompeji. Nekropole von Porta Stabia. Gräber in der Nähe des Stabianer-Tors.


tombs%20stabg1 tombs%20stabg2 tombs%20stabg3 tombs%20stabg6 tombs%20stabg4 tombs%20stabg5 tombs%20stabg7 tombs%20fondsant1 tombs%20fondsant2 tombs%20porta%20marina Tomb%20Fondo%20Squillante Pompeii Necropoli di Porta Stabia. Tombs near the Stabian Gate.

Funerary Landscape at Pompeii's Porta Stabia. Paesaggio funerario della Porta Stabia di Pompei. Grablandschaft an der Porta Stabia von Pompeji.

Plan of the funerary landscape at Pompeii's Porta Stabia, after Emmerson 2010, updated for later finds.

Emmerson suggests slightly differing locations for some tombs around Porta Stabia than our main Stefani 1998 based tombs plan.

Each tomb has a specific page on our site with information and photographs.

If your screen is large enough (more than 853px wide) press the tomb you want on the plan to see the pictures.

If you are on a smaller screen such as a phone or tablet you can use the links below to see the pictures.


According to Emmerson, as one of Pompeii's most heavily trafficked gates, the Porta Stabia must have been a desirable and high-status location for burial, and the roads around it must have been lined with densely packed tombs.

In 2010, four tombs stood outside the Porta Stabia: the two well-known semicircular benches (schola tombs) just outside the gate, and two lesser-known tomb podia located to the south, hidden behind an embankment and concealed by overgrowth.

This situation does not reflect the ancient reality. This article repopulates the burial landscape around the Porta Stabia by examining the standing tombs as well as the excavation reports of tombs that were reburied following their discovery, concluding that the extensive necropolis around the Porta Stabia is not something that must be imagined; rather, it is well documented and worthy of a place in future scholarship on Pompeian funerary culture.

See Emmerson A., 2010. Reconstructing the Funerary Landscape at Pompeii's Porta Stabia: Rivista di Studi Pompeiani 21, p. 83.

Since her article a new tomb has been discovered, a tomb with 4m long inscription in 7 rows, discovered in 2017 and we have added this and the two other tombs by the gate to the plan and this page.

Tombs. Tombe. Gräber.


a: M. Tullius

M Tullius Schola   - Marcus Tullius schola tomb

M Tullius Recinto  - Marcus Tullius enclosure at rear of schola


b: M. Alleius Minius

M Alleius Minius Schola   - Marcus Alleius Minius schola tomb

M Alleius Minius Recinto  - Marcus Alleius Minius enclosure at rear of schola


c: Unexcavated bench tomb

Third schola tomb


d: Unnamed altar style podium tomb discovered in 2001

Altar style podium tomb


e: Unnamed altar style podium tomb with graffiti on door discovered in 2001

Tomb with graffiti on door


f: Tomb of Cn Clovatius and gladiator relief

Tombs excavated by Avellino in the 18th century

Tomb of Cn Clovatius and gladiator relief


g: Fondo Santilli Necropolis

Tombs of the Petacii and others at Fondo Santilli, south of the pomerial road

Fondo Santilli Necropolis


h: Tombe presso la Strada Regia

Columellae of Claudiae Laudicae and Tutiae Licentiae on Fondo Santilli, north of the pomerial road

Claudiae Laudicae        Tutiae Licentiae


i: Tombs said to be at Porta Marina

Tombs excavated by Weber in the 18th century

Tombs at Porta Marina


j: Fondo Squillante

Tombe del Fondo Squillante


k: Tomb with 4m long inscription in 7 rows discovered in 2017

Tomb with 4m long inscription confirming riot in amphitheatre

Possibly the tomb of Gnaeus Alleius Nigidius Maius.



The low resolution pictures on this site are copyright © of Jackie and Bob Dunn and MAY NOT IN ANY CIRCUMSTANCES BE USED FOR GAIN OR REWARD COMMERCIALLY. On concession of the Ministero della Cultura - Parco Archeologico di Pompei. It is declared that no reproduction or duplication can be considered legitimate without the written authorization of the Parco Archeologico di Pompei.

Le immagini fotografiche a bassa risoluzione pubblicate su questo web site sono copyright © di Jackie e Bob Dunn E NON POSSONO ESSERE UTILIZZATE, IN ALCUNA CIRCOSTANZA, PER GUADAGNO O RICOMPENSA COMMERCIALMENTE. Su concessione del Ministero della Cultura - Parco Archeologico di Pompei. Si comunica che nessun riproduzione o duplicazione può considerarsi legittimo senza l'autorizzazione scritta del Parco Archeologico di Pompei.

Ultimo aggiornamento - Last updated: 31-May-2024 23:20