
VII. Pompeii. Terme del Foro or Forum Baths.



VII. Pompeii. Terme del Foro or Forum Baths. Plan

The plan, numbers and the descriptions are based on those used by Niccolini and are those used on the pompeiiinpictures pages.

Our photographs can be seen by following these links:

    VII.5.2    VII.5.7    VII.5.8    VII.5.10    VII.5.12    VII.5.24    VII.6.17    VII.6.18

See Niccolini F, 1890. Le case ed i monumenti di Pompei: Volume Terzo. Napoli. Terme presso l’Arco della Fortuna,  p. 1.


1:    Forum Baths water reservoirs with access to lower parts from VII.6.17 and upper parts from VII.6.18

2:    Vicolo delle Terme across which the water from the reservoir passes

3:    Men's baths - (VII.5.12) Entrance doorway to baths courtyard and portico, from Vicolo delle Terme

4:    Men's baths - Latrine

5:    Men's baths - Courtyard of the baths

6:    Men's baths - Channel for rainwater from portico

7:    Men's baths - Covered portico, ambulacrum or walkway

8:    Men's baths - Portico stone benches

9:    Men's baths - Oecus or exedra

10:  Men's baths - Corridor into baths

11:  Men's baths - Latrine

12:  Men's baths - (VII.5.24) Entrance doorway to men's baths and portico, from Via del Foro

13:  Men's baths - Corridor to changing room

14:  Men's baths - Changing room

15:  Men's baths - Changing room benches

16:  Men's baths - Corridor to changing room

17:  Men's baths - (VII.5.2) Entrance doorway to men's baths and changing room, from Via delle Terme

18:  Men's baths - Cloakroom

19:  Men's baths - Frigidarium

20:  Men's baths - Frigidarium niches (four)

21:  Men's baths - Frigidarium bath steps

22:  Men's baths - Frigidarium bronze water inlet

23:  Men's baths - Frigidarium water outlet

24:  Corridor from men's changing room leading to boiler area

25:  Boiler area - Room of the furnaces

26:  Boiler area - (VII.5.7) Entrance doorway to boiler room and mouth of praefurnium, from Via delle Terme

27:  Boiler area - Furnace or praefurnium

28:  Boiler area - Boiler for hot water for caldarium

29:  Boiler area - Boiler for warm water for tepidarium

30:  Boiler area - Tank for storing cold water

31:  Boiler area - Stairs leading to boilers

32:  Boiler area - Small corridor that led from the boilers to the courtyard

33:  Boiler area - Courtyard for storing the consumables of the baths: wood, charcoal etc.

34:  Boiler area - Columns supporting the roof of the courtyard

35:  Boiler area - Steps that go above the roof of the baths

36:  Boiler area - (VII.5.10) Entrance doorway to storage courtyard, from Vicolo delle Terme

37:  Men's baths - Tepidarium

38:  Men's baths - Tepidarium - bronze brazier for heating

39:  Men's baths - Caldarium with heated suspended floor

40:  Men's baths - Calidarium - laconicum or sweating room

41:  Men's baths - Calidarium - labrum or water basin

42:  Men's baths - Calidarium - hot bath

43:  Women's baths - (VII.5.8) Entrance doorway to vestibule and changing room

44:  Women's baths - Small vestibule with stone bench

45:  Women's baths - Corridor to changing room

46:  Women's baths - Changing room

47:  Women's baths - Changing room stone benches

48:  Women's baths - Frigidarium

49:  Women's baths - Tepidarium with suspended floor

50:  Women's baths - Caldarium with suspended floor

51:  Women's baths - Caldarium - laconicum or sweating room

52:  Women's baths - Caldarium - labrum or water basin

53:  Women's baths - Caldarium  -hot bath


This plan is to help you accurately locate the rooms shown in the photographs of this house. 

Please be aware that the room numbers shown may differ from any other plans or records both published and unpublished. 



The low resolution pictures on this site are copyright © of Jackie and Bob Dunn and MAY NOT IN ANY CIRCUMSTANCES BE USED FOR GAIN OR REWARD COMMERCIALLY. On concession of the Ministero della Cultura - Parco Archeologico di Pompei. It is declared that no reproduction or duplication can be considered legitimate without the written authorization of the Parco Archeologico di Pompei.

Le immagini fotografiche a bassa risoluzione pubblicate su questo web site sono copyright © di Jackie e Bob Dunn E NON POSSONO ESSERE UTILIZZATE, IN ALCUNA CIRCOSTANZA, PER GUADAGNO O RICOMPENSA COMMERCIALMENTE. Su concessione del Ministero della Cultura - Parco Archeologico di Pompei. Si comunica che nessun riproduzione o duplicazione può considerarsi legittimo senza l'autorizzazione scritta del Parco Archeologico di Pompei.

Ultimo aggiornamento - Last updated: 19-Jun-2024 21:31