The cast list below is based on the numbering system used in this book.
Il seguente elenco di calchi dei corpi si basa sul sistema di numerazione utilizzato in questo libro.
Die nachstehende Liste der Körperabgüsse basiert auf dem in diesem Buch verwendeten Nummerierungssystem.
See Osanna M., Capurso A., Masseroli S. M. (a cura di), 2021. I calchi di Pompei da Giuseppe Fiorelli ad oggi. Studi e Ricerche del Parco Archeologico di Pompei, 46. Catalogo dei Calchi, p. 307-557.
Man lying on his back, found 23rd April 1875, together with the young girl lying face down, in Via Stabiana near the north-east corner of VI.14 in the middle of the street in the layers of ash about four metres above ground level
Young girl lying face downwards with her head resting on her right arm, found 23rd April 1875, together with the man lying on his back, in Via Stabiana near the north-east corner of VI.14 in the middle of the street in the layers of ash about four metres above ground level
The sickly child.
Found in the Vicolo delle Pareti Rosse in front of VIII.5.39, the Casa di Acceptus ed Euhodia, on 24th January 1882, around 12 feet (4 metres) above the ancient ground level
Found in vicolo between I.6 and I.10 south of the eastern section of the wall of I.6.2 the Casa del Criptoportico
Male victim aged between thirteen and nineteen. Found in the Palaestra area either outside the south-eastern entrance in December 1936 or inside in the south portico October 1937
Four victims found at Porta Nocera on North West side of Via delle Tombe between September 1956 and April 1957
Female victim aged between thirteen and nineteen.
Found in the Suburban Baths 28th April 1960.
Male victim found at the bottom of the stairs of the House of Fabius Rufus in November 1961
Male victim aged over 20 years found at the bottom of the stairs of the House of Fabius Rufus in November 1961
Male victim aged between 13 and 19. Found outside the Porta Nola in August/September 1976
Female victim aged between 13 and 19. Found outside the Porta Nola in August/September 1976
Victim aged between 13 and 19. Found outside the Porta Nola between August 1976 and August 1978
Male victim aged over 20 years. Found in room 28 of VII.16.17, Casa di Maius Castricius, between 1958 and 1980.
Male victim aged over 20 years. Found in room 19 of VII.16.17, Casa di Maius Castricius, between 1958 and 1980.
Woman and child victims found in the Villa of Lucius Crassius Tertius at Oplontis
Nine victims found in August- September 1991 in I.22.1, a few metres from each other.
Male victim aged over 20 years. Discovery details are unknown, possibly the Running Man found in the Palaestra 1935-9 or a cast made on the 8th to 9th January 1951 in the Palaestra.
Male victim aged over 20 years, probably 20 to 25 years old. Found outside the walls of Pompeii near Tower IX / Porta Capua
Group of 25 fragments, not related to the same body, which it has not been possible to attribute with certainty to any of the casts preserved from Porta Nola. These are probably parts of the three casts made in 1976 and not recognized among those currently preserved. Found outside the Porta Nola in September 1976
Group of 25 fragments, related to at least two distinct bodies, which it has not been possible to attribute with certainty to any of the casts preserved from Porta Nola. Found outside the Porta Nola between August 1976 and August 1978
Male. Small grouping of a body and 4 fragments of parts of human limbs.
Find details unknown but 4 hypotheses are put forward.
VII.16.17-22, 1961
I.21.2/6, 1961
Vicolo delle Pareti Rosse, 1882
V.3.2, 1902
Small grouping of a body and 2 fragments of parts of human limbs.
Find details unknown but 2 hypotheses are put forward.
I.21.2/6, 1961
V.3.2, 1902
Male victim?
Male victim? Date and location of find is unknown.
Remote hypothesis - V.3.2, 1902?
Cast (sex and age undetermined). Upper part of the torso with head attachment, missing the lower part of the body and limbs. The victim was probably resting on his left side. The cast is severely incomplete, with an undefined surface.
Fifteen fragments related to diverse bodies. Mostly feet (10) and legs (5). During the course of restorations it was not possible to attribute these with any certainty to any of the preserved casts
Six fragments of heads. Head with 6 teeth visible may belong to victim 17 found in 1895 in the torcularium of the Villa Pisanella at Boscoreale
Other head parts may come from the Fullonica of Stephanus
Small grouping of 10 fragments pertinent to diverse bodies. During the course of restorations it was not possible to attribute these with any certainty to any of the preserved casts