
V.1.20 Pompeii. Shop with dwelling. Excavated c.1785, 1842?


For extra detailed information see Swedish Pompeii Project web site


V.1.20/21 Pompeii. c.2001.   
Looking east towards V.1.20 on left and doorway to V.1.21 on right. Photo by Hans Thorwid.
Photo courtesy of The Swedish Pompeii Project.

V.1.20/21 Pompeii. c.2001.   

Looking east towards V.1.20 on left and doorway to V.1.21 on right. Photo by Hans Thorwid.

Photo courtesy of The Swedish Pompeii Project.


V.1.20 Pompeii. Entrance. December 2004. V.1.20 on left and V.1.21 on right.
According to Mau, V.1.20-21 was a shop or rather workshop, next to the entrance to the steps (21) to the upper rooms, and areas at rear. The steps were not immediately by the door threshold, but were a little way back, so that the steps were also accessible from the workshop. The decorative painting of the workshop, was executed in the last style of Pompeii, and without interest. On the middle compartment of the left wall, we see represented a standing Bacchus crowned with vine, naked except for a blue garment on his left shoulder and right arm, and, as it seems, boots. The right arm raised with thyrsus, while the left hand poured the wine into the mouth of the lying down panther from a jug. The figure was 0.55 high.  Hardly recognisable were the paintings from the side panels of the same wall: to the right there were some beasts, perhaps goats. At the rear on the left, was a room used probably by the customers of the workshop; it received light from the workshop itself by means of a window to the right of the entrance doorway. Another door at the rear of the room, whose walls were covered with red coloured plaster, and a corridor that bordered it on the right, both lead to the kitchen. The kitchen had the lararium painting on the left wall, above both the hearth and the well that was to the right, of which not much remained other than a part of the serpent that was shown going towards the doorway of the small room mentioned, away from the hearth. To the right of the entrance to the kitchen there was a low raised quadrangle of material, of uncertain use.  At the rear of the kitchen on the left, near to the well and the hearth, a rather high doorway gave access to a small room, 1.13 wide, 1.86 deep of the usual form, but of which I couldn't guess the use. The floor was of opus Signinum; all around ran a gutter, separated from the space it was surrounded by a small wall 0.24 high, also covered by opus Signinum, the gutter at the front corner to the right, crossing the wall, led to the middle part of the room, which towards this point was lower and here had a drain into the well. A vaulted window, in the right wall, gave into a rough room of equal depth, accessible from the kitchen by a low door; the window was made in a manner that its floor lowered towards this last room.  See Mau, Bdl (1877), p.17-18

V.1.20 Pompeii. Entrance. December 2004. V.1.20 on left and V.1.21 on right.

According to Mau,

V.1.20-21 was a shop or rather workshop, next to the entrance to the steps (21) to the upper rooms, and areas at rear.

The steps were not immediately by the door threshold, but were a little way back, so that the steps were also accessible from the workshop.

The decorative painting of the workshop was executed in the last style of Pompeii, and without interest.

On the middle compartment of the left wall, we see represented a standing Bacchus crowned with vine, naked except for a blue garment on his left shoulder and right arm, and, as it seems, boots. The right arm raised with thyrsus, while the left hand poured the wine into the mouth of the lying down panther from a jug. The figure was 0.55 high. 

Hardly recognisable were the paintings from the side panels of the same wall: to the right there were some beasts, perhaps goats.


At the rear on the left, was a room used probably by the customers of the workshop; it received light from the workshop itself by means of a window to the right of the entrance doorway. Another door at the rear of the room, whose walls were covered with red coloured plaster, and a corridor that bordered it on the right, both lead to the kitchen.


The kitchen had the lararium painting on the left wall, above both the hearth and the well that was to the right, of which not much remained other than a part of the serpent that was shown going towards the doorway of the small room mentioned, away from the hearth. To the right of the entrance to the kitchen there was a low raised quadrangle of material, of uncertain use. 


At the rear of the kitchen on the left, near to the well and the hearth, a rather high doorway gave access to a small room, 1.13 wide, 1.86 deep of the usual form, but of which I couldn't guess the use.

The floor was of opus Signinum; all around ran a gutter, separated from the space it was surrounded by a small wall 0.24 high, also covered by opus Signinum, the gutter at the front corner to the right, crossing the wall, led to the middle part of the room, which towards this point was lower and here had a drain into the well. A vaulted window, in the right wall, gave into a rough room of equal depth, accessible from the kitchen by a low door; the window was made in a manner that its floor lowered towards this last room.

See Mau, Bullettino dell’Instituto di Corrispondenza Archeologica (DAIR), (1877), p.17-18


Secondo Mau -

“N. 21. 20. Bottega, o piuttosto taberna, con accanto l'ingresso alla scala (21) per le camere superiori, e localita posteriori.

La scala non cominciava immediatamente dalla soglia della porta, ma stava un poco indietro, in modo che era accessibile anche dalla bottega.

La pittura decorativa della bottega, eseguita nell'ultimo stile di Pompei, e senza interesse.

Sul compartimento medio della parete sinistra vediamo rappresentato Bacco in piedi, coronato di vite, ignudo fuori una veste azzurrognola sulla spalla sinistra ed il braccio destra, e, come pare, stivali. La destra alzata s'appoggia sul tirso, mentre la sinistra versa dal cantaro il vino nella bocca della pantera coricata. La figura era alta 0,55.  Son poco riconoscibili i quadretti de' compartimenti laterali dell’ stessa parete: a destra vi sono delle bestie, forse capre.


In fondo havvi a sinistra una stanza destinata probabilmente agli avventori della taberna; essa riceve luce dalla bottega stessa per mezzo d'una finestra a destra dell'ingresso. Un'altra porta in fondo alla stanza - le cui pareti son rivestite d 'intonaco color di carne - e un corridoio che a destra la fiancheggia, conducono nella cucina. Questa aveva sul muro sinistra, al dissopra del focolare e del pozzo che gli sta a destra, la pittura lararia, della quale non e rimasto altro che una parte d’un serpe che si dirige nell 'ingresso della cameretta da mentovarsi adesso, allontanandosi dal focolare. A destra dell'ingresso alla cucina trovasi un basso rialzo quadrangolare di materiale, di destinazione incerta.


In fondo alla cucina, a sinistra, vicino al pozzo ed al focolare, una porta piuttosto alta da accesso ad una cameretta, larga 1, 13, profonda 1,86, di forma singolare, di cui pero non ho potuto indovinar la destinazione. II pavimento e di opus Signinum; tutt' intorno gira una doccia, separata dallo spazio da essa circondato mediante un muricciuolo alto 0,24, rivestito anch 'esso di opus Signinum; all'angolo anteriore a destra la doccia, attraversando il muricciuolo, imbocca nella parte media della camera, che verso questo punto s'abbassa ed ha qui uno scolo nel pozzo. Una finestrina a volta, praticata nel muro destra, da in una camera rozza d' eguale profondita, accessibile dalla cucina per una bassa porticina; la finestra era fatta in modo che il suo piano s'abbassa verso quest'ultima camera.”

Ved. Mau, Bullettino dell’Instituto di Corrispondenza Archeologica (DAIR), (1877), p.17-18.


V.1.20 Pompeii. 2001. North wall of shop-room. Photo by Hans Thorwid.
According to Boman and Nilsson –
“A large rounded cutting at the western end may have accommodated a large jar, presumably in an earlier phase.
Once decorated with the 4th style painting of a Bacchus with panther (Mau 1875), no wall painting is preserved today.”
Photo and words courtesy of The Swedish Pompeii Project.

V.1.20 Pompeii. 2001. North wall of shop-room. Photo by Hans Thorwid.

According to Boman and Nilsson –

“A large rounded cutting at the western end may have accommodated a large jar, presumably in an earlier phase.
Once decorated with the 4th style painting of a Bacchus with panther (Mau 1875), no wall painting is preserved today.”

Photo and words courtesy of The Swedish Pompeii Project.


V.1.20 Pompeii. December 2006. Niche or recess on north wall of shop.
According to Kuivalainen, in the middle of the north wall, but now destroyed, and described as –
“A standing youth wearing boots and a vine wreath on his head; a blue cloak covers his left shoulder and right arm. In his raised right arm he holds a thyrsus, pouring wine from a cantharus with his left hand into the mouth of a panther.”
See Kuivalainen, I., 2021. The Portrayal of Pompeian Bacchus. Commentationes Humanarum Litterarum 140. Helsinki: Finnish Society of Sciences and Letters, (p.110, C6).

V.1.20 Pompeii. December 2006. Niche or recess on north wall of shop.

According to Kuivalainen, in the middle of the north wall, but now destroyed, and described as –

“A standing youth wearing boots and a vine wreath on his head; a blue cloak covers his left shoulder and right arm. In his raised right arm he holds a thyrsus, pouring wine from a cantharus with his left hand into the mouth of a panther.”

See Kuivalainen, I., 2021. The Portrayal of Pompeian Bacchus. Commentationes Humanarum Litterarum 140. Helsinki: Finnish Society of Sciences and Letters, (p.110, C6).


V.1.20 Pompeii. May 2005. Looking east across shop to dwelling at rear.

V.1.20 Pompeii. May 2005. Looking east across shop to dwelling at rear.


V.1.20 Pompeii. December 2006. Looking east across shop to dwelling at rear.

V.1.20 Pompeii. December 2006. Looking east across shop to dwelling at rear.


V.1.20 Pompeii. 2001. 
East wall of shop-room with doorway to rear room, on left, and to corridor, on right. Photo by Hans Thorwid.
Photo courtesy of The Swedish Pompeii Project.

V.1.20 Pompeii. 2001.

East wall of shop-room with doorway to rear room, on left, and to corridor, on right. Photo by Hans Thorwid.

Photo courtesy of The Swedish Pompeii Project.


V.1.20 Pompeii. 2001. 
South wall of shop-room with remaining first step to an upper floor. Photo by Hans Thorwid.
Photo courtesy of The Swedish Pompeii Project.

V.1.20 Pompeii. 2001.

South wall of shop-room with remaining first step to an upper floor. Photo by Hans Thorwid.

Photo courtesy of The Swedish Pompeii Project.


V.1.20 Pompeii. 2001. 
Looking down on floor in shop-room, from north side. Photo by Henrik Boman.
Photo courtesy of The Swedish Pompeii Project.

V.1.20 Pompeii. 2001.

Looking down on floor in shop-room, from north side. Photo by Henrik Boman.

Photo courtesy of The Swedish Pompeii Project.


V.1.20 Pompeii. December 2006. Looking through window into rear room.

V.1.20 Pompeii. December 2006. Looking through window into rear room “b”.


V.1.20 Pompeii. 2001. Room “b”. Photo by Hans Thorwid. 
“Looking towards north wall of rear room, with filled in niche.” 
According to Boman & Nilsson -
“A filled-in niche can be discerned along the floor, ca 2.5 m long and asymmetrical in shape, with rounded ends. 
It is 0.50 high and rests on a socle of ca 0.30 in height.”
Photo and words courtesy of The Swedish Pompeii Project.

V.1.20 Pompeii. 2001. Room “b”. Photo by Hans Thorwid.

“Looking towards north wall of rear room, with filled in niche.”

According to Boman & Nilsson -

“A filled-in niche can be discerned along the floor, ca 2.5 m long and asymmetrical in shape, with rounded ends.

It is 0.50 high and rests on a socle of ca 0.30 in height.”

Photo and words courtesy of The Swedish Pompeii Project.


V.1.20 Pompeii. 2012. Room “b”. Photo by Hans Thorwid.
“Looking towards east wall of rear room, after restoration in 2008.
Restored parts of the wall photographed and merge with the lower part and floor line of earlier photos from 2005-07.” 
Photo and words courtesy of The Swedish Pompeii Project.

V.1.20 Pompeii. 2012. Room “b”. Photo by Hans Thorwid.

“Looking towards east wall of rear room, after restoration in 2008.

Restored parts of the wall photographed and merge with the lower part and floor line of earlier photos from 2005-07.”

Photo and words courtesy of The Swedish Pompeii Project.


V.1.20 Pompeii. May 2005. Doorway from rear room, towards kitchen, small garden and cubiculum. According to Jashemski -  “The tiny garden (a) excavated in 1875, in the rear north-east corner of this small shop-house wedged in between 2 large houses was little more than a light well enclosed by a low wall with a gutter at the base; along the inside of the gutter, according to Viola, there was a narrow planting bed.  The kitchen (b) opened onto the garden."
See Mau, Bdl (1877), p.18
See Viola, Gli Scavi di Pompei dal 1873 al 1878, p.28.
See Jashemski, W. F., 1993. The Gardens of Pompeii, Volume II: Appendices. New York: Caratzas. (p.108)

V.1.20 Pompeii. May 2005. Doorway from rear room, towards kitchen, small garden and cubiculum.

According to Jashemski -

“The tiny garden (a) excavated in 1875, in the rear north-east corner of this small shop-house wedged in between 2 large houses was little more than a light well enclosed by a low wall with a gutter at the base; along the inside of the gutter, according to Viola, there was a narrow planting bed. 

The kitchen (b) opened onto the garden.”

See Mau, Bullettino dell’Instituto di Corrispondenza Archeologica (DAIR), (1877), p.18

See Viola, Gli Scavi di Pompei dal 1873 al 1878, p.28.

See Jashemski, W. F., 1993. The Gardens of Pompeii, Volume II: Appendices. New York: Caratzas. (p.108).


V.1.20 Pompeii. c.2001. Room “b”.
Looking towards south wall of rear room. Photo by Hans Thorwid.
Photo courtesy of The Swedish Pompeii Project.

V.1.20 Pompeii. c.2001. Room “b”.

Looking towards south wall of rear room. Photo by Hans Thorwid.

Photo courtesy of The Swedish Pompeii Project.


V.1.20 Pompeii. c.2001. Room “b”.
Looking towards west wall of rear room. Photo by Hans Thorwid.
Photo courtesy of The Swedish Pompeii Project.

V.1.20 Pompeii. c.2001. Room “b”.

Looking towards west wall of rear room. Photo by Hans Thorwid.

Photo courtesy of The Swedish Pompeii Project.


V.1.20 Pompeii. c.2001. Room “b”.   
Looking towards flooring in rear room, from south side. Photo by Henrik Boman.
Photo courtesy of The Swedish Pompeii Project.

V.1.20 Pompeii. c.2001. Room “b”.   

Looking towards flooring in rear room, from south side. Photo by Henrik Boman.

Photo courtesy of The Swedish Pompeii Project.


V.1.20 Pompeii. December 2006. Looking east from rear room, across kitchen into small garden or light-yard. According to Boyce, on the north wall of the kitchen above the hearth, was a lararium painting. Only a portion of one serpent remained visible. See Boyce G. K., 1937. Corpus of the Lararia of Pompeii. Rome: MAAR 14. (p.32, no.78). According to Sogliano –
In the kitchen was a “Sacred Painting” (p.19)
In the workshop was a painting of a standing Dionysus, giving his panther a drink. (p.38)
See Sogliano, A., 1879. Le pitture murali campane scoverte negli anni 1867-79. Napoli: Giannini. (p.19 and 38)

V.1.20 Pompeii. December 2006. Looking east from rear room “b”, across kitchen “d” into small garden or light-yard “f”.

According to Boyce, on the north wall of the kitchen above the hearth, was a lararium painting.

Only a portion of one serpent remained visible.

See Boyce G. K., 1937. Corpus of the Lararia of Pompeii. Rome: MAAR 14. (p.32, no.78).

According to Sogliano –

In the kitchen was a “Sacred Painting” (p.19)

In the workshop was a painting of a standing Dionysus, giving his panther a drink. (p.38)

See Sogliano, A., 1879. Le pitture murali campane scoverte negli anni 1867-79. Napoli: Giannini. (p.19 and 38).


V.1.20 Pompeii. 2005. Room “d”.
North wall of kitchen.  Photo by Hans Thorwid. 
Photo courtesy of The Swedish Pompeii Project.

V.1.20 Pompeii. 2005. Room “d”.

North wall of kitchen.  Photo by Hans Thorwid.

Photo courtesy of The Swedish Pompeii Project.


V.1.20 Pompeii. 2005.  Room “d”.
Cistern in north-east corner of kitchen.  Photo by Hans Thorwid. 
Photo courtesy of The Swedish Pompeii Project.

V.1.20 Pompeii. 2005.  Room “d”.

Cistern in north-east corner of kitchen.  Photo by Hans Thorwid.

Photo courtesy of The Swedish Pompeii Project.


V.1.20 Pompeii. 2012.  Room “d”. Photo by Hans Thorwid.
“East wall of kitchen in 2012 after restoration in 2008. 
Restored parts of the wall photographed and merge with the lower part and floor line of earlier photos from 2005-07.”
Photo and words courtesy of The Swedish Pompeii Project.

V.1.20 Pompeii. 2012.  Room “d”. Photo by Hans Thorwid.

“East wall of kitchen in 2012 after restoration in 2008.

Restored parts of the wall photographed and merge with the lower part and floor line of earlier photos from 2005-07.”

Photo and words courtesy of The Swedish Pompeii Project.


V.1.20 Pompeii. Pre-2008.  Room “d”.
East wall of kitchen.  Photo by Hans Thorwid. 
Photo courtesy of The Swedish Pompeii Project.
The tall doorway, possibly into a light-well,  and doorway into rear room in south-east corner.

V.1.20 Pompeii. Pre-2008.  Room “d”.

East wall of kitchen.  Photo by Hans Thorwid.

Photo courtesy of The Swedish Pompeii Project.

The tall doorway, possibly into a light-well,  and doorway into rear room in south-east corner.


V.1.20 Pompeii. Pre 2008.  Room “d”.
East wall in south-east corner of kitchen
Photo by Henrik Boman.

V.1.20 Pompeii. Pre 2008.  Room “d”.

East wall in south-east corner of kitchen

Photo by Henrik Boman.


V.1.20 Pompeii. Pre 2008.  Room “d”.
Cess pit under latrine in south-east corner of kitchen.
Photo by Henrik Boman.

V.1.20 Pompeii. Pre 2008.  Room “d”.

Cess pit under latrine in south-east corner of kitchen.

Photo by Henrik Boman.


V.1.20 Pompeii. Pre 2008.  Room “d”, south wall of kitchen.  Photo by Hans Thorwid. 
Photo courtesy of The Swedish Pompeii Project.

V.1.20 Pompeii. Pre 2008. Room “d”, south wall of kitchen.  Photo by Hans Thorwid.

Photo courtesy of The Swedish Pompeii Project.


V.1.20 Pompeii. Pre 2008.  Room “d”. Photo by Hans Thorwid.
West wall of kitchen, with doorway to corridor, on left, and into rear room of shop-room, on right.  
Photo courtesy of The Swedish Pompeii Project.

V.1.20 Pompeii. Pre 2008.  Room “d”. Photo by Hans Thorwid.

West wall of kitchen, with doorway to corridor, on left, and into rear room of shop-room, on right. 

Photo courtesy of The Swedish Pompeii Project.


V.1.20 Pompeii. Pre 2008. Room “f”. Photo by Hans Thorwid.
North wall of room with tall doorway in east wall of kitchen.  
Photo courtesy of The Swedish Pompeii Project.

V.1.20 Pompeii. Pre 2008. Room “f”. Photo by Hans Thorwid.

North wall of room with tall doorway in east wall of kitchen. 

Photo courtesy of The Swedish Pompeii Project.


V.1.20 Pompeii. 2005. Room “f”. Photo by Hans Thorwid.
East wall of room with tall doorway in east wall of kitchen.  
Photo courtesy of The Swedish Pompeii Project.

V.1.20 Pompeii. 2005. Room “f”. Photo by Hans Thorwid.

East wall of room with tall doorway in east wall of kitchen. 

Photo courtesy of The Swedish Pompeii Project.


V.1.20 Pompeii. 2005. Room “f”. Photo by Hans Thorwid.
South wall of room with tall doorway in east wall of kitchen.  
Photo courtesy of The Swedish Pompeii Project.

V.1.20 Pompeii. 2005. Room “f”. Photo by Hans Thorwid.

South wall of room with tall doorway in east wall of kitchen. 

Photo courtesy of The Swedish Pompeii Project.


V.1.20 Pompeii. 2012. Room “f”. Photo by Hans Thorwid.
South wall with window of room with tall doorway.  
Photo courtesy of The Swedish Pompeii Project.

V.1.20 Pompeii. 2012. Room “f”. Photo by Hans Thorwid.

South wall with window of room with tall doorway. 

Photo courtesy of The Swedish Pompeii Project.


V.1.20 Pompeii. 2012. Room “f”, west wall. Photo by Hans Thorwid.
“Restored parts of the wall photographed and merge with the lower part of floor line of earlier photos from 2005-07.”
Photo and words courtesy of The Swedish Pompeii Project.

V.1.20 Pompeii. 2012. Room “f”, west wall. Photo by Hans Thorwid.

“Restored parts of the wall photographed and merge with the lower part of floor line of earlier photos from 2005-07.”

Photo and words courtesy of The Swedish Pompeii Project.


V.1.20 Pompeii. 2008. Room “f”. Photo by Hans Thorwid.
West wall of room with tall doorway in east wall of kitchen.  
Photo courtesy of The Swedish Pompeii Project.

V.1.20 Pompeii. 2008. Room “f”. Photo by Hans Thorwid.

West wall of room with tall doorway in east wall of kitchen. 

Photo courtesy of The Swedish Pompeii Project.


V.1.20 Pompeii. 2008. Room “e”.  Photo by Hans Thorwid.
North wall of room in rear south-east corner.   
Photo courtesy of The Swedish Pompeii Project.

V.1.20 Pompeii. 2008. Room “e”.  Photo by Hans Thorwid.

North wall of room in rear south-east corner.  

Photo courtesy of The Swedish Pompeii Project.


V.1.20 Pompeii. 2012. Room “e”. Photo by Hans Thorwid.
“East wall of room in rear south-east corner, in 2012 after restoration.   
Restored parts of the wall photographed and merge with the lower part and floor line of earlier photos from 2005-07.”
Photo and words courtesy of The Swedish Pompeii Project.

V.1.20 Pompeii. 2012. Room “e”. Photo by Hans Thorwid.

“East wall of room in rear south-east corner, in 2012 after restoration.  

Restored parts of the wall photographed and merge with the lower part and floor line of earlier photos from 2005-07.”

Photo and words courtesy of The Swedish Pompeii Project.


V.1.20 Pompeii. 2005. Room “e”.  Photo by Hans Thorwid.
East wall of room in rear south-east corner. 
Photo courtesy of The Swedish Pompeii Project.

V.1.20 Pompeii. 2005. Room “e”.  Photo by Hans Thorwid.

East wall of room in rear south-east corner.

Photo courtesy of The Swedish Pompeii Project.


V.1.20 Pompeii. 2005. Room “e”.  Photo by Hans Thorwid.
South wall of room in rear south-east corner. 
“A walled-up doorway once led into the house at V.1.23.”
Photo and words courtesy of The Swedish Pompeii Project.

V.1.20 Pompeii. 2005. Room “e”.  Photo by Hans Thorwid.

South wall of room in rear south-east corner.

“A walled-up doorway once led into the house at V.1.23.”

Photo and words courtesy of The Swedish Pompeii Project.


V.1.20 Pompeii. 2012. Room “e”.  Photo by Hans Thorwid.
“West wall of room in rear south-east corner, in 2012 after restoration.   
Restored parts of the wall photographed and merge with the lower part and floor line of earlier photos from 2005-07.”
Photo and words courtesy of The Swedish Pompeii Project.

V.1.20 Pompeii. 2012. Room “e”.  Photo by Hans Thorwid.

“West wall of room in rear south-east corner, in 2012 after restoration.  

Restored parts of the wall photographed and merge with the lower part and floor line of earlier photos from 2005-07.”

Photo and words courtesy of The Swedish Pompeii Project.


V.1.20 Pompeii. December 2007. Looking east along corridor to rear of dwelling.

V.1.20 Pompeii. December 2007. Looking east along corridor “c” to rear of dwelling.


V.1.20 Pompeii. May 2005. Corridor to rear of dwelling.

V.1.20 Pompeii. May 2005. Corridor “c” to rear of dwelling.


V.1.20 Pompeii. 2012. 
South wall of corridor “c” to rear of dwelling. Photo by Hans Thorwid.
Photo courtesy of The Swedish Pompeii Project.

V.1.20 Pompeii. 2012.

South wall of corridor “c” to rear of dwelling. Photo by Hans Thorwid.

Photo courtesy of The Swedish Pompeii Project.





The low resolution pictures on this site are copyright © of Jackie and Bob Dunn and MAY NOT IN ANY CIRCUMSTANCES BE USED FOR GAIN OR REWARD COMMERCIALLY. On concession of the Ministero della Cultura - Parco Archeologico di Pompei. It is declared that no reproduction or duplication can be considered legitimate without the written authorization of the Parco Archeologico di Pompei.

Le immagini fotografiche a bassa risoluzione pubblicate su questo web site sono copyright © di Jackie e Bob Dunn E NON POSSONO ESSERE UTILIZZATE, IN ALCUNA CIRCOSTANZA, PER GUADAGNO O RICOMPENSA COMMERCIALMENTE. Su concessione del Ministero della Cultura - Parco Archeologico di Pompei. Si comunica che nessun riproduzione o duplicazione può considerarsi legittimo senza l'autorizzazione scritta del Parco Archeologico di Pompei.

Ultimo aggiornamento - Last updated: 15-Apr-2024 19:03